Winter season is the time to slow down and absorb the deep lessons that have been presented to us during the intensity of summer and fall. In qigong or Taoist terms, it is the most Yin season. It is a good time to relax and look within. […]
Winter season is the time to slow down and absorb the deep lessons that have been presented to us during the intensity of summer and fall. In qigong or Taoist terms, it is the most Yin season. It is a good time to relax and look within. […]
It is clear that there are significant differences among people in their body’s response to COVID-19. Some are less likely to even contract the disease, and others, once infected can have very mild symptoms or are even asymptomatic. And to make matters more enigmatic, those without symptoms can possibly infect others. Has anyone else really […]
Ok, here is some good news along with a recipe at the end. Coconut Oil? You may have seen articles touting the benefits of coconut oil for Alzheimer’s Disease. It has even been considered as beneficial to other conditions such as Parkinson’s Disease, multiple sclerosis, and Lou Gehrig’s disease. But how and why? In Traditional […]
Breathing can be a Link to the Subconscious Breath is inextricably linked with life and is part of our autonomic nervous system (ANS). We breath without having to think about it. But we can mindfully control our breath and it becomes a link between the ANS (part of the subconscious mind) and the conscious mind. […]
Tuesdays and Thursdays nights 7:15-8:00 PM for 10-week sessions. First sessions scheduled September 3, 2019 – November 8, 2019. These 10-week classes are designed to get you “up and running” with a particular qigong sequence. After which you should be able to practice them at home OR, of course, sign up for more classes to […]
I hope to translate into clear language, understandable to the mind that has been educated by western medicine, how qigong can greatly improve health. […]
Feng Shui is all about making sure the energy around you is flowing freely. For optimum health, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) you need flow and balance. If energy in your body is blocked and/or imbalanced, this can cause disease. The same holds true with the places you frequent. Primarily the home in which you live and secondarily if you have an office space that you spend time in. […]
So you reviewed the plentiful benefits of red light therapy and you are convinced you want to try it. My advice is to use caution in the device you find online shopping. There are 2 main things to look for: The light is emitting the therapeutic wavelengths we discussed in the first two blogs: 800-880nm […]
Red lights improve the function of cellular mitochondria, increasing the ability to produce energy for healing and growth. In this article I want to highlight the benefits of LED red lights. Here are the different types of Red Light: FAR INFRARED – usually used in infrared saunas – has warming rays with wavelengths over 3000nm. […]
Read More… from L.E.D. Red Light Therapy Best for Skin and Eyes
Red Light Therapy is a relatively new therapy also called: Photobiomodulation (PBM), Low Level Light Therapy (LLLT) and Cold Laser Therapy. Originally the red lights were used to help grow plants in space in the 1990s. Lately many promising studies have been done with these lights in regards to health improvements. Light is energy and […]
Read More… from What is Red Light Therapy? Can It Help My Health?
You have seen the headlines: Coffee is good for you! But is it without risk? PROS Coffee (caffeine) increases fat burning potential and exercise performance. Probably due to the fact that it mobilizes fatty acids and stimulates the central nervous system. Coffee does have antioxidant effects and a considerable amount of B vitamins. Coffee drinkers […]
Okay, I confess, I never really tried bath bombs until I started making them. I wasn’t interested in exposing myself to synthetic perfumes or dyes. I decided to make my own and use all-natural essential oils with healing properties and I did not add man made colorings. When my husband and I tried the bath […]
Notice how a world class musician plays an instrument. The whole body is involved. Yoyo Ma is part of his cello, and Itzhak Perlman moves from the center of his body as he plays the violin. They have learned to tap into a flow. Little babies naturally move with strength, their arms and legs spiraling […]
Do you think it is too hot to exercise? Certain times of the day outside it could be! Here are your strategies for summer exercise in order of importance: 1. Take advantage of the early morning. Even if the day time high is triple digits, usually you can move about comfortably when it is in […]
In a “nut shell” soaking and sprouting seeds, nuts, grains and legumes will: Reduce anti-nutrients like: Phytic acid (which inhibits digestive enzymes in your stomach) Polyphenols (which inhibit digestion of minerals, proteins and starches) Lectins and Saponins (which effect the GI tract lining contributing to leaky gut syndrome) Increases nutrients by: Increasing bio-availability of minerals […]
All homemade natural products for skin care, and a few helpful tinctures as well.
To view my current product list with pricing, click the following link:
Product List
Feel free to contact me at: getvitality.us@gmail.com to place an order. […]
In February I had the privilege of attending a workshop in Carpinteria, California to become a TaiChi Easy Practice Leader. There I met 22 students with diverse backgrounds and one drive and heart beat: to help others heal themselves by awakening the “healer within”. There is so much that can be done to improve health […]
Are you stiffer than you used to be? Is it hard to get out of your car, bed, or chair? Do things seem heavier than they were ten years ago? You don’t even consider grabbing the large pot from the upper kitchen shelf. Rolling up the garden hose after watering the garden makes your back […]
High Intensity Interval Training is a popular format for exercise that uses short bursts of intense exercise followed by recovery periods. Usually these intervals are timed. The higher intensity requires the recruitment of type 2 white muscle fiber. This is the muscle used in sprinting or short bouts of effort and it uses more oxygen […]
Many want to sell you a cool gimmick or quick fix in order to lose weight, and thousands of people try fad diets and fail. But for weight to be lost and to stay gone, gradual, doable lifestyle changes need to be made. Create habits that you like and you can live with. Don’t feel […]