Winter season is the time to slow down and absorb the deep lessons that have been presented to us during the intensity of summer and fall. In qigong or Taoist terms, it is the most Yin season. It is a good time to relax and look within. […]
Winter season is the time to slow down and absorb the deep lessons that have been presented to us during the intensity of summer and fall. In qigong or Taoist terms, it is the most Yin season. It is a good time to relax and look within. […]
I hope to translate into clear language, understandable to the mind that has been educated by western medicine, how qigong can greatly improve health. […]
Notice how a world class musician plays an instrument. The whole body is involved. Yoyo Ma is part of his cello, and Itzhak Perlman moves from the center of his body as he plays the violin. They have learned to tap into a flow. Little babies naturally move with strength, their arms and legs spiraling […]