Get Vitality

Get Vitality

Find The Warmth Inside

Winter season is the time to slow down and absorb the deep lessons that have been presented to us during the intensity of summer and fall. In qigong or Taoist terms, it is the most Yin season. It is a good time to relax and look within.

In nature there are all kinds of cycles. To remain physically healthy, it is helpful to become aware of these cycles and get your body to align with the biorhythms of nature. The cycle we are probably most familiar with is the circadian rhythm. This is an internal clock that dictates waking and sleeping cycles. The sleep time would be the yin and the awake and active time would be the yang. You need both. As humans, each day we are affected by the sun and the moon. If your circadian body clock gets out of sync you can have trouble with sleep and waking times. If we artificially keep ourselves active (working late, a computer screen, or eating too late) during natural sleep times it can throw off our rhythm. Sometimes spending time in the sun between 7 and 9 AM can help reset your bio clock. Of course, if you live towards the north or south pole your winter and summer seasons will be more extreme. Your body is made to be adaptable and flow with the area you live in. If you move to a different climate it will likely  take a year or so to adapt.

So here in the northern hemisphere as winter settles in, we can spend more time resting and more time letting go of the past. Then we are free to focus on what is in the deepest part of our being. If we relax and look and listen and rest and keep dropping down, down within, we can begin to feel the peace that passes understanding and notice that there is a great light within. Then we can let it shine out from within. It will stream out of the wounds and the holes in our person, just like the light streams out of the side of Jesus Christ where he was pierced, and how it streams out of his hands that were pierced through. Where have we been hurt? Where are we bleeding? Could this be the beginning of the portal, a window of sorts? A window for the light to pour through. Be present, accept and let it flow.

Try A Short Healing Meditation:  Absorbing Love Healing

  • Sit quietly. It helps to have your back straight.
  • Take some long slow breaths.
  • See if you can feel your skin. Is the air cool on your bare skin? Feel the skin that is touching the fabric of your clothing. Is some soft, tight, scratchy?
  • Then imagine/feel that you are surrounded by golden light and love. Acknowledge the love that is constantly beamed at you from the Creator.
  • On your next breath, breathe in not just through your nose, but through the pores of your skin. Fill up with this golden light. Let go of emotion or thought that doesn’t serve you, let it drop through your feet into the earth for compost. Take a few breaths like this.
  • You can also focus this golden light to any part of your body that might need some help. Breathe into that area and fill it with the golden love dissolving any problems/illnesses.

I am still offering Zoom qigong classes to help you feel and heal your own body. Click here for class information.

To read more about all the seasons including winter (water element)in qigong go here:

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Get Vitality - for a happier, healthier you