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Bath Bombs for Healthy Skin

Okay, I confess, I never really tried bath bombs until I started making them. I wasn’t interested in exposing myself to synthetic perfumes or dyes. I decided to make my own and use all-natural essential oils with healing properties and I did not add man made colorings.

When my husband and I tried the bath bombs we were hooked! Our skin felt so soft and the scents were relaxing and therapeutic. Now it is rare that we take a bath without a bath bomb.
A few months ago, for some unknown reason, I got hives (pink raised welts in the skin), especially in the lymph areas of my body: arm pits and the front of the hips. After a couple of days of smearing calamine lotion on and trying oral antihistamines with no results, I realized that since it was the lymph areas of my body perhaps I was trying to detox through the skin. Our infra-red sauna was on the blink, which would have been my first choice for skin detox, so I opted to try a hot bath and of course, I used a bath bomb. To my surprise, after the bath I was 60% better, the welts went down. After 2 more days of baths with bath bombs, they were completely gone.

If you look at the ingredients to these bath bombs and what they do for your skin, it all makes sense.

Citric Acid
*Antioxidant that reduces the process of aging
*Helpful also to de-pigment dark aging spots on the skin
*Cleanses pores
*Evens the skin tone

Baking Soda
*Mild exfoliant that helps remove dead skin and cleans your pores.
*Helps dry out and heal existing acne.
*Has antibacterial properties, this can prevent breakouts

Epsom Salt— One of the main ingredients of Epsom Salt is magnesium
The warm bath opens the pores so the magnesium is absorbed. We are often short of this mineral in our diets and it is a great muscle relaxant.
The salts in the bath pull out of the pores the excess lactic acid that can be causing pain in the muscles after a long hike or working in the yard.
Epsom Salts also:

*Naturally exfoliate the skin
*Are Anti-inflammatory
*Firm the skin
*Soothe sore and aching muscles

Coconut Oil
*Hydrating, prevents moisture loss for dry skin

Try some bath bombs today!
3 different essential oil blends:
1) Respiratory Relief (spruce, camphor, eucalyptus, lavender)
2) Skin Spa (geranium, rose geranium, patchouli)
3) Muscle Tonic (rosewood, cedarwood, chamomile, lavender, ylang ylang, eucalyptus, clary sage, rosemary, black pepper)

$19 for a pack of 6 bombs, $7 for a pack of 2
To order email:

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